[book cover]

Reading for Thinking

6th edition, 2009

A developmental reading text for students who need to sharpen their comprehension skills before delving more deeply into critical reading.

Publisher: Wadsworth Cengage Learning
20 Channel Center Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02210

ISBN: 0-618-98582-4

To order this text

While the 6th edition retains those features that longtime users have praised—extensive and varied practice, modeling of explanations, emphasis on stimulating readings, and a carefully designed sequence of skills—I have also taken into account revision requests from both instructors and students. Reading for Thinking now contains an entire chapter on improving vocabulary and a brand-new chapter on organizational patterns. It also includes a sample chapter from an American history book, included in this edition so that students can improve their understanding of textbook conventions and develop mastery of textbook readng strategies. Because reading research has consistently indicated the importance of inferences at all levels of reading, the new edition significantly expands the coverage of drawing inferences between and within paragraphs. There are other new features as well but for now, I hope this brief list will be sufficient inducement for instructors to see for themselves what's offered in this, the sixth edition of Reading for Thinking.

The 6th edition of Reading for Thinking is also accompanied by Getting Focused, a CD or web-based reading program that can be used to supplement the comprehension and critical reading skills introduced in the text. Information about the purchase of the CD is available from the Cengage Learning product web site.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1:

Becoming a Successful Student

Chapter 2:

Developing an Academic Vocabulary

Chapter 3:

Reviewing the Essentials

Chapter 4:

Recognizing Patterns of Organization

Chapter 5:

Understanding, Outlining,
and Synthesizing Longer Readings

Chapter 6:

The Role of Inferences in Comprehension
and Critical Reading

Chapter 7:

Defining the Terms Fact and Opinion

Chapter 8:

Identifying Purpose and Tone

Chapter 9:

Recognizing and Evaluating Bias

Chapter 10:

Understanding and Evaluating Arguments

Putting It All Together

Reading 1:

Extreme Philanthropy (Stephanie Strom)

Reading 2:

Tall Tales of Appalachia (John O'Brien)

Reading 3:

Anonymous Source Is Not the Same
as Open Source (Randall Stross)

Reading 4:

Five Ways to Deal With Conflict
(Roy Berko, Andrew D. Wolvin, and Darlyn R. Wolvin)

Sample Chapter:

America Under Stress, 1967-1976

Last update of this page: August 23, 2010

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