Chapter 4: Quiz 3
Answer Key

Note: Paraphrases will vary.

1.Topic Sentence:2
Note: Although I think sentence 2 is a better answer, I would also accept sentence 1, which is a more general version of 2.
Paraphrase:Computers are changing the practice of architecture in several different ways.

2.Topic Sentence:3
Note: Here again, sentence 2 is a possible answer although it is not as precise as sentence 3, which I consider the better answer.
Paraphrase:Basketball is a Canadian invention.

3.Topic Sentence:1
Paraphrase:The Monroe Doctrine has been a critical part of U.S. history.

4.Topic Sentence:2
Paraphrase:The last words of some people were intriguing enough to be recorded.

5.Topic Sentence:1 and 2
Note: I would also accept as correct sentences 1 or 2. However, I think the combination answer is a better one.
Paraphrase:When proper Brooklyn matron Gertrude Lintz decided to raise two young gorillas as if they were her own children, she became an outcast to her neighbors.

6.Topic Sentence:6
Paraphrase:Although women do live longer than men, they are more prone to a number of serious diseases.

7.Topic Sentence:2
Paraphrase:Juries can be manipulated in ways that prevent them from making the right decision.

8.Topic Sentence:3
Note: I would also count sentence 1 as a correct answer. It’s less precise than 3, but it does, in very general terms, sum up the paragraph.
Paraphrase:Temperament seems to be the major factor in achieving happiness.

9.Topic Sentence:1 and 2
Note: Sentence 2 would be a less complete but still adequate answer.
Paraphrase:Thousands of Americans are following the example of “life extensionists” like Larry Wood: They are doing everything they can to avoid dying.

10.Topic Sentence:1 and 3
Note: I would also count as correct sentence 3.
Paraphrase:A newly discovered memoir of a Mexican soldier who was also at the Alamo has challenged the legend of how Davy Crockett died.

Chapter 4: Quiz 3

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